5 Factors Affecting Relationship Growth

Building good Relationships is essential for Success.

INFLUENCE AND RELATIONSHIPS Spending much time, Sharing ideas and Opinions with Friends and Family makes you become one person.  Now, What do I mean?

You basically Share the same mind, you do everything the same way and share Similar interest and Values. You would always behave like your Friends and Family no matter what.
Influence on Relationships is another major factor that makes your Relationship with people stronger.

ASPIRATIONS AND RELATIONSHIPS What do You Want to be when you’re older? What do you want your Future to look like?

Start making Friends who are already what and Where you want to be. Start Searching for people who want the same future and build a strong Relationship with them.

If your Present Friends do not support your dreams and you Strongly believe in actualizations of your dreams, Start searching for new Circle of Friends who believe in Your dreams and who will help you up the Ladder of Success.
It is very important to choose Friends that share Similar interest and values with you or you’ll adopt their own value.

Another way to build yourself is by making Friends who are better than you, who know more than you do and people whom you would like to work for. You are bound to Learn a lot from them if you do this.

POWER AND RELATIONSHIPS How does Power affect your Relationships?

Power in Friendship can either be Positive or Negative.
Peer pressure is the most visible effect. It is almost impossible to conquer the power of Peer pressure.

You can never be stronger than all your Friends as to oppose them easily. This is the same for both Negative and Positive influence from Friends.

If you can’t beat them, flee from them. Don’t try to fight them or you’ll join them.

  CRITICISM AND RELATIONSHIPS How does Criticism affect Relationships?

Most times, you would want to take giant steps in Life but You would be scared of What your Friends and Family will think of you if you fail. You are Unable to go through with what you set out to do because you don’t want to be ridiculed If you eventually fail.

Apart from that, You cannot also make Life Decisions contrary to your Circle of Friends and Family’s Values and beliefs.
Those are negative effects of Criticism.

Criticism is a strong factor that affects building of strong Relationships. It’s positive effect is that it helps you know what your faults are and helps you improve yourself.

 ENMITY AND RELATIONSHIPS Your Relationship with your Enemies are a good asset for Success. Now Why would I say something like this? I say this because, They are the only People that will tell you how they truly feel about you and What they hate about you.

Again, it might be some bad habit you have that your Friends have been unable to talk to you about. Your Enemy will tell you that to the face because He has nothing to lose if you dislike him for telling you that.

They’re also the only people looking for the wrong things about you and You could use that to your advantage.
And…How do you do that?

You do that by Changing those Bad Habits and Making yourself better with the Scrutiny comments from them.
Make it a habit to Listen carefully to your Enemies while they’re Criticizing you .

How To Build Stronger Relationships?
• Anyone who is not contributing to your life is taking something away from it, It’s a two way thing. Eliminate the bad eggs.
• Listen to your Enemies like you Listen to your Friends.
• You cannot make good Friends when you have horrible qualities, make yourself a better person and seek alike people.
• The quality of your Relationships is proportional to the quality of your Future.
• Remember that you can never be stronger than Peer pressure.
• Make your Mind your Bestfriend.

Make your Mind your Bestfriend and value your Happiness above everyone else’s.

When your Mind becomes your Bestfriend, you listen and value it’s influence over everything else’s.

Making your Mind your Bestfriend makes you a Strong-willed person.
Learn this and become a better person.

Your Friends and Family are important people in your Life and on the road to Success. That’s why choosing the right people is important for your Life.
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