All You Need To Achieve Success in Life - Confidence

           What is self-confidence?

Self-confidence simply means believing in Yourself. It means knowing what you can do and playing on your strengths. It means believing that you can achieve whatever you set out to achieve.

Self-confidence is not taught or learnt, it is something that comes from within. It is something you develop within yourself.
While some people may appear to have self-confidence come naturally to them, Others still need some effort to develop theirs.

   Why should I have self-confidence?

Having confidence in yourself as a child is wonderful because most kids have grown to become timid and have low self-esteem. If you are very confident as a child, it’ll be much easier to attain great heights as an Adult.

Confident people benefit more from life and have greater opportunities come to them than people without Self-confidence.

That’s why it’s important to have confidence in yourself as a person. Being a confident person demands knowing your strengths and weaknesses. It demands accepting your imperfections and leaving the past behind.

Without Self-confidence, you keep battling with yourself and what others think. A confident person doesn’t let other people’s opinion direct his path for him.

Self-confidence also breeds creativity and hard work for attainment of Success.

While having Self-confidence is a good attribute, Lack of Self-Confidence does a person no good.

Now let’s discuss the Causes of Lack of Self-Confidence.

 What Causes Lack of Self-Confidence?

Most kids find it hard to develop self-confidence because of so many reasons. Some of these reasons I’ll share with you..

   Criticism at early ages in life: 

This is certainly the core cause of Lack of Confidence in oneself.

As a child, if you were constantly criticized the chances of you believing in Yourself is very low. When I say criticism, I mean being constantly;
• told your ideas don’t matter and is useless,
• told you can never do anything right in your life,
• told that you do not measure up to the societal standards of the Perfect child,
• compared with other children all the time,
• abused verbally always by Older people, friends and family,
• told you’ll never amount to anything,
• restricted from having adventures and learning new things,
• ridiculed and bullied,
• being surrounded by negative people

and a whole lot of other forms of criticism Children endure during the early stages of life.

Any child going through all these forms of torture will find it difficult to believe in themselves and what they can do. They grow up believing life isn’t fair and they are nothing. This eventually leads to the growth of a society filled with people of Low Self-esteem.

           Bad and timid friends; 

 Your Friends are your Life. 
 Always Remember this!

The people with whom you spend most of your time with decides your future.

As spending time with positive and confident people can make you a better person and excel in whatever you’re doing, so does spending time with timid and ill-mannered people destroy you. It’s as easy as that.
Self-confident people who have achieved greatness have always been mindful of their friends and acquaintances.

You can never be a confident and positive person in the midst of your friends who are all timid and negative.

Timid people never have faith in themselves, never try out new stuff and are always afraid and negative. The worst part of the matter is that they are very influential and can easily clone people into themselves.

Hanging out with them will definitely do you more harm than good because you’ll soon become like them.

Check your friends now and discover the timid ones amongst them and flee, because if you don’t, one day you’ll bow at the Power of Peer Pressure.

     Your thought process; 

What do you think of all the time?

When a situation is presented before you, what do you make of it? Do you always see a way out or a dead end?

Do you believe that there are still opportunities left in the World today?

Do you give whatever you do your all and hope for the best Or hold yourself back and assume someone else can do a better job than you can?

Do you believe in yourself and what you can do?

All these questions is something you should ask yourself regularly to regulate your thought process.

You cannot be alive and not be in control of your life.

Read the questions above twice and Answer truthfully and recognize if you are a positive or negative Person?

Think positive thoughts always and you experience positivity in all you do and vice versa. It is that simple.
Think of yourself as a better person and someone important and you’ll be.

Wanting to be like someone else;

We all have role models and people who we aspire to be like. It’s is completely okay to want to be like anyone you admire.

What’s not okay is when you are unable to be thankful for who you are now(presently) and thinking you’re nothing until you become who you want to be.

Gratitude has always being a factor for being successful. Be thankful for what you have and more will come to you.

When you start seeing yourself as nothing then you become nothing. Your aspirations of becoming who you want to be becomes an illusion as both the present and future you desire fade into the distance.

Be grateful for who you are and hope for what you want to achieve.

Lack of gratitude is a common habit of people who lack confidence as they believe they have nothing and shouldn’t be thankful for anything.

  Enjoying your comfort zone;

Most people despise trying out new things. They hate the unknown and despise risks.
Others have become so accustomed to being at a particular place in life because they feel it’s the safest place to be in.

Your comfort zone is that place, vocation, feeling, thought, people or whatever that you’re sure of, you are comfortable with and doesn’t require your weaknesses or fears coming out into view.

Staying in your comfort zone a lot can make you lose confidence in yourself.

Since self-confidence is something you need to replenish all the time, being too comfortable with your present state and not seeking adventures or greener pastures isn’t good for it.

Confident people believe there’s always more than what they see, it isn’t discontentment it’s search for adventure and better opportunities.

How do I know if I’m a confident person or If I have self-confidence?
How do I recognize confident people?

If you just discovered that your friends are People who lack Confidence in themselves and you need a new group of friends to boost your self-confidence then look out for these attributes in your search for new friends.

Dressing: A confident person doesn’t dress to live by the World’s standards but dresses in a way they want to be seen.
They give attention to their dressing. Their dressing isn’t too flashy or haphazard.
They recognize that it is important to dress in a way you want to be addressed.

Composure: A person who knows when to speak, act and listen is most likely a confident person.
A person who doesn’t leave any room for disrespect towards them and always seem to know what to do is a confident Person.

Speech: He speaks when he’s meant to and says something worth listening to.
When it comes to speech, he speaks positively and doesn’t seem to flatter people unnecessarily.
A confident person also stands by their decisions and is trustworthy.

Social circle: A confident person always hangs out with confident people.
So you can be sure you’ve found a friend who has self-confidence once you know all his friends are Confident people.

How do I develop self-confidence?

These are ways you can become a confident Person…
• Giving no heed to Criticism and
knowing that Criticism is just a
reflection of another person’s thought
and not letting it get to you.
• Be grateful for who you are and hope for what you want to achieve.
• Step out of your comfort zone, seek adventure and Knowledge to boost your level of Confidence.
• Be mindful of how to dress, dress in a manner you’ll want to be addressed in.
• Think positive thoughts always.
• Talk in a manner that shows confidence and I don’t mean you should brag but speak and command attention.
• Make friends with Self-Confident people…(VERY IMPORTANT).
• Learn new stuff and push yourself to achieve more.
• Believe in yourself and Play on your strengths.
• Always smile and look into people’s eye while speaking to them.
• Always prepare yourself and don’t give people any chance to embarrass you.
• Accept your imperfections and exercise faith.

After all that has been said, Self-confidence comes from within and needs to be replenished always.

I believe this helps someone become that Confident Person they’ve always wanted to be.

Bonus tip:
• Do something which makes you uncomfortable each week and give yourself a reward for accomplishing each weeks tasks. It could be Speaking before an audience in Church, doing Community service Programs, and any other activity that requires you stepping out of your comfort zone.

Finally, You only live once…do all you got to do now…Times waits for no one. As Gary Vee said its ‘One life, No regrets’.
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