How To Find Your Purpose In life?

         Finding Purpose
 Facebook page: Zoya’s Corner

What is a person’s Purpose?

Your Purpose is What Makes You Happy, What You do with the Least Amount of Energy and What You Do that makes You feel like they’re a part of Something bigger than Yourself.

Most People give it other Names like, Gift, Mission, Passion, Vocation, Service. They all ascribe to Something You something that You consider a Part of Your Existence.

Why do You Need to Discover Your Purpose in Life?
• It gives you a More Positive Outlook on Life because You believe You have a Duty to Perform for the World you live in.
• It brings Happiness and Fulfillment.
• It helps you know Yourself more.
• You become More Confident and Build Stronger Relationships.

How Do I Discover My Purpose In Life?

This can be the Hardest Question a Person has to answer as soon as They decide to know Themselves more.

I’ll share with You four methods through which People can Discover their Purpose.

People discover their Purpose through:
• Temperaments: A good knowledge on Temperaments will direct You to Points of Interest mostly concerned with Your Temperament Type.
What do I mean?
If You happen to be primarily Choleric by Temperament, When You study about Choleric, You discover that They’re mostly drawn to Leadership, Entrepreneurship, Innovative ventures and any Vocation that requires them being in Charge.

This is great for Starters ( Individuals who are unable to identify what They are attracted to and Suitable Vocations for themselves) .

• Your Passion:
What Vocation do you find yourself
attracted to?
What do you do with least amount of
What do you consider Your Passion in
What do You do that makes You Happy?
All these questions lead to One thing,
Discovery of Your Purpose.

If You’re able to answer these questions,
You understand what drives You and What Your Purpose might be.

If You ’re unable to answer these questions, The next Methods will help you.

• A desire to help:
What Problems in Our World touches You the most?

What do You feel is all going wrong Today and you think someone should provide a Solution?

Well…there You’ve got your answer. The answer is your Purpose.

I feel this is the best method to find your Purpose.

When You’re able to notice to a Problem our World is Facing whether little or huge, technological or nature-related, commodity-related or People-Oriented, Public or Individual, and You feel something should be done about it.
You should also understand that You can be the Problem solver too.

Your Annoyance towards the Problem means You’re drawn to it and would be Happy if a Solution was Provided. That Could be Your Mission.

This driving force leads to offer a Service to our World and fulfilling your Purpose.

• Your Role Model:
Who do You consider Your Role Model?

Who do You want to be like in the future?

If You consider someone your Role Model and desire to be like them, then It could be said that they are doing something that You would also like to do.

With this you can say You’ve Found Your Purpose In Life.

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Why You Cannot Discover Your Purpose Easily?

What Is Preventing You from Discovering Your Purpose?

I’ll give You Six Reasons why You’re unable to Discover Your Real Purpose In Life.

• Influence from the world –
The World we live in has become so restricted as to A person having options on how to live their own lives when it shouldn’t be so.

People tell You if Your are not a Doctor, You are not Successful, If you are not a Lawyer, You’re a Failure, If You are not Rich, You are not Successful, If You are not an Entrepreneur, You’re a Failure and so on.

Who creates these options?
Who invents these rules?
It doesn’t just make sense.

When these Crowd-Influenced rules are placed on You, It limits your Choice range on What You should do with Your Life. You also feel that going out of the rules makes you Less human. This has left many people unhappy and depressed.

It is so wrong, I feel People should be able to make their own Choices in Life. No one should place any conditions or rules for you.

If you Truly desire to Discover Your true Purpose It is advisable to make Your Choices outside these Life-limiting Rules. Be willing to say No when It doesn’t make You Happy.

• Wrong Friends –
Bad Friends and Associates are detrimental when You’re searching for Your Life’s Purpose. They do not only discourage You but will make You believe that You’re wasting Your time searching For It.

They also see to it that You never rise above them and would do anything to pull You down with them.

Surround Yourself with Positive and Good Friends as they’ll help you Achieve Your Goals faster.

• Indecision-
Most Individual suffer from ‘Indecision Syndrome’. They are unable to make decisions for themselves and when they do, they cannot stick to their Decisions.

Indecision makes you Reliant on someone else to make Important Decisions in Your life for You. It makes it hard for You to Believe in Your Capability to Achieve Anything in Life. It is caused by low Self-esteem.
It is a deadly quality because it is Self-Created and Self-destructive.

Start taking responsibility for Your Life and always Stick to your Decisions.

• Poor Parenting-
Some Parents have decided to place a limitation on their own Children by assuming and constantly telling them that they’ll never amount to anything in Life. They slowly kill their Children emotionally and make them feel worthless.

If Your Child has Low Self-esteem from a Young age, they go through Life feeling inferior to Everyone and Everything.
They never believe In Themselves and seek external Sources to boost their Self-Confidence.

Other Parents decide the Destinies of Their Children even before they are Born and won’t consider them Failures when they go off the stated Path. They are more concerned with their Name, Prestige and Glory and don’t care about the Happiness of their Children.

Children born in these Families do not even see the need to Search for a Purpose and if they do, their Parents would Object to it anyway.

• Lack of Self-Confidence-
When You lack Self-Confidence, You will never seek to find a Purpose in Life because You never believe that You are good for Anything.

You’ll always feel the Whole World is against You and Everyone hates You. You believe that Other People deserve the Best in Life and You deserve Nothing.
This makes it almost impossible to Discover your Purpose in Life.

To learn how to build Your Self-Confidence,
Check out my Post on-
How to build Self-Confidence

• Lack of Exposure-
Successful People say-
Seek Adventure Not Security.
Take Risks and You won’t Regret it.
When You refuse to see life from different views and Prefer being safe to adventure, You’re missing out.
You will soon become too Comfortable with Your Life and Dislike any Change.

No one is Successful by being Safe, You need to take calculated risks.
Learn Something New Today, You wont regret it.
When You Do this, You will understand why You have to Find Your Purpose,

To Find Your Purpose, Answer these questions, I’m sure You’ll Find It.

  1. What do You do with the Least Amount of Energy?
  2. Where do You find Your Happiness in?
  3. What Are the Problems Our World is Facing that bothers you the most?
  4. Who do You Consider Your Role Model?
  5. What do You Believe in?